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Permaculture Life – Design – Education

Permaculture Life – Design – Education – Plants – Seeds

We are a permaculture homestead and education site in Pacific Haven on the Fraser Coast in Australia’s beautiful subtropical coastal area. For more info about us, please check this page here.

We offer consultations, workshops, and design services. Contact us for more info via email at or Facebook or Instagram.

***An important NOTE about the Online Course***: Because of some ongoing technical issues that are out of my control I decided to convert the online course into an e-book and will announce it in the newsletter once I finish the work. All our former and current course participants will receive the ebook free of charge once it is published! I appreciate your patience.

Our main goal is to inspire, and share our knowledge and experience about the sustainable and self-reliant way of life, demonstrate and teach how to grow food naturally all year round, and prepare, preserve, and eat homegrown food.

To support our work, click this link for more information.

We also sell plants and seeds, on our dedicated Food Forest Seeds page. All the plants and most seeds come from our food forest, naturally grown with lots of love and no chemicals.

We are a proud Professional Member of Permaculture Australia, the national permaculture member-based association.

February – Food Gardening in Subtropics and Warm Regions of Australia
Gardening | Permaculture | Subtropical Edibles
February – Food Gardening in Subtropics and Warm Regions of Australia

February – Food Gardening in Subtropics and Warm Regions of Australia by Ewa Bekiesch, Permaculture designer, educator, self-sufficient and sustainable living consultant, and healthy food advocate. Hot and humid! However, nature is generous with rain at the moment, and we appreciate every single drop. We’re also enjoying the abundant harvest this time of yearβ€”there’s plenty… Read More »February – Food Gardening in Subtropics and Warm Regions of Australia

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