BBQ Marinated Fish Fillet

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We love to do the marinated fish fillet on the wood fired bbq but you can also chuck it into a baking paper and cook in the oven. The marinate gives you the beautiful flavor you can adjust to your liking. We usually have it with mixed salad and sweet potato, plantain or cassava chips 🙂

BBQ Marinated Fish Fillet by Sebastian

You need:

The fish 🙂 You can take pretty much any fish filet you like. I would definitely recommend you to cook with the skin on.

The marinate:

  • tomatoes
  • lemongrass root (the white part at the bottom)
  • chili
  • shallots
  • garlic
  • dill
  • turmeric
  • salt
  • pepper
  • parsley
  • ginger
  • olive oil

Combine the ingredients in the food processor. Wash your fish filet, dry with a paper towel and distribute the marinate over the fish. Cover with a cling wrap and leave in a fridge for about 2-3 hours.
Heat your oven to 220 degrees C or your bbq and bake till ready. Keep your eye on it! I will not tell you how long do you cook it for as it depends on your oven or bbq and the amount and thickness of the fish. Close the bbq while cooking and check every 5 minutes. We cooked it in the wood fired bbq with lid on for about 5 minutes.